

Diccionario del Habla Popular de Colombia incluye regionalismos. 2014.

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  • sardine — early 15c., from L. sardina, from Gk. sardine, sardinos, often said to be from Sardo Sardinia (see SARDINIA (Cf. Sardinia)), the Mediterranean island, near which the fish were probably caught and from which they were exported. But Cf. Klein: It… …   Etymology dictionary

  • sardine — sardine1 /sahr deen /, n., pl. (esp. collectively) sardine, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) sardines. 1. the pilchard, Sardina pilchardus, often preserved in oil and used for food. 2. any of various similar, closely related… …   Universalium

  • sardinal —   lugar poblado de sardinos (ver). Nombre de un distrito y su cabecera, pertenecientes al canton Carrillo …   Diccionario de Guanacastequismos

  • sardine — sardine1 [sα: di:n] noun 1》 a young pilchard or other young or small herring like fish. 2》 (sardines) [treated as sing.] Brit. a children s game in which one child hides and the other children, as they find the hider, join him or her in the… …   English new terms dictionary

  • šprotas — 1 špròtas sm. (2) DŽ, NdŽ; KŽ zool. smulki silkinių šeimos žuvis (Sprattus): Silkinių šeimai priklauso apie 50 genčių ir apie 160 rūšių. Plačiai žinomos yra sardinos, kilkės, šprotai, perpelės T.Ivan. Baltijos šprotas (S. sprattus balticus)… …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • sardine — 1. n. a young pilchard or similar young or small herring like marine fish. Phrases and idioms: like sardines crowded close together (as sardines are in tins). Etymology: ME f. OF sardine = It. sardina f. L f. sarda f. Gk, perh. f. Sardo Sardinia… …   Useful english dictionary

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